Our History
Honor Rolls - Founding Members
Past Presidents
The Association was founded on November 20, 1916 by a group of prominent Chefs in New York City, under the direction of Auguste Gay who was made its first President. In 1918, Thea M. La Manna was Elected President. During his ten years in office, he helped to develop the Association with his genial guidance, into one of America's leading Chef Societies with a nationwide membership and Branches in various cities.
John Massironi, who was Treasurer and share and active part in the Association's responsibilities since its early beginning, as called upon to succeed Mr. La Manna who died while abroad in 1928. During his able tenure in office as President, for four years, and through his earnest endeavor, it was possible to clear our Club Building from its indebtedness. From 1932 to 1936 Charles Scotto as President added much to further the success of the rapidly growing Association whose membership they reached the 400 mark. In spite of the commercial lull in 1936 and 1937, the Association continued to hold its usual custom of operation most successfully under the presidency of Claude F. Jarrin.
Joseph M. Frederique, who became President in 1938 until 1948, has a record of leadership that has greatly benefited the Association towards its outstanding high position among Chefs Association in America. Robert Audelan, who has served as Treasurer for nine years has been elected President of the Association in 1949. His keen appraisal of problems, so freely offered the right key to their prompt solution, with fitting advantages, which has greatly contributed to his popularity and promotion of good will. Anthony Lagasi, Elected President in 1956 until his retirement in 1971, the longest tenure as president. Under his stewardship the Association reached the ultimate in accomplishments. The most significant, the sale of the building, prudent investments. He initiated scholarships at New York City Technical College, and contributed to local civic organizations, expanded enrollments, and welfare benefits. Foremost was his dedication to the Association and his high standards.
Phil Cotumaccio, was elected President in 1971 and served until his untimely demise in 1976. Under his leadership his restructure of the business management and policies, played a significant in the success we have today. Joseph J. Melz, Elected President in 1976, and served until 1984. He brought new light concepts and devoted his time and energies in accomplishing the steady growth and development of the organization for the advancement of the Culinary Arts and our Profession at large.Salvatore Petrolino, elected President in 1983 and at the helm of the Association until 1990, dealt with great changes in a professional and courteous manner always willing to give extra time for the good of our Association. Joseph S. Collora, elected President 1990, under his guide the Association's finances are showed safety, income and growth for the future of the Chefs de Cuisine. As a professor in the Hospitality Management Department of the New York City Technical College he was dedicated to carrying on the tradition.
Joseph Tarantino was elected President in 1995. Executive Pastry Chef at the Plaza Hotel for five years. For many years he has been a guiding light for young men and woman entering our industry. His teaching and encouragement have inspired many students, who have since established shining culinary careers in many parts of the country. Lutz Lewerenz was elected President in 2002. Mr. Lewerenz has over forty years professional experience in the Culinary Arts. He has a Culinary Arts Diploma from the Hotel and Restaurant School in Germany. In New York he work at prestigious New York City Hotels and Restaurants. Lutz Lewerenz was a participating member of the ICA ACF New York Culinary Team at the Culinary Olympic in Germany in 1996 and 2000. Pietro Mosconi was elected in 2009 and served 2 terms until 2014. Mr. Mosconi is a famous Chef and owns several popular restaurants. As President Pietro Mosconi was an effective Chef and advanced the mission of the association. Mr. Arlindo Fernandez was elected in 2013 and served 2 terms. Under his presidency the association celebrated its 100 Years anniversary
Honor Roll Of Founder Members
Whose Gift of Bond Holding Has Originally Benefited The Association’s Former Club Building
Rene Anjard
Gabriel Anjoubolt
Louis Albano
Alexandre Abbate
Silvio Bochetti
Gratien Bidonde
Albert Baenziger
Pierre Benedetti
Louis Benelli
Louis Braco
Clotaire Ble
Raymond Bachman
Roger Cretaux
Frederic Coquin
Frederic Charlton
Paul Crapon
Edmon Davenel
Gaston Davoust
Gaston Doumerique
Gemain Del Era
Chas Eggenspieler
Otto Gentsch
Peter Gallo
Henri Gougoltz
Albert Jacotot
Theodore La Manna
Pierre Lapage
Albert Lheron
Desire Lescarboura
John Lindquist
John Massironi
Charles Mayard
Ernest Montjean
Fernand Moulin
Adolph Meyer
Paul Mereau
Frank Martinez
Charles Maranta
Louis Nogue
Charles Oehlert
Edouard Panchard
George Perraudin
Paul Petitin
Julien Perbost
Joseph Porta
Henri Ribordy
Louis Ranvier
George Royal
Angelo Sormani
Louis Serrer
Charles Sicault
Eugene Sauvigne
Charles Scotto
Victor Simoni
Charles Tamanni
Bapiste Vaquier
1916 - 1918 August Gay
1918 - 1928 Theo La Manna
1928 - 1932 John Massironi
1932 - 1936 Charles Scotto
1936 - 1938 Claude F. Jarrin
1938 - 1949 Joseph M. Fedrique
1949 - 1956 Robert Audelan
1956 - 1971 Anthony Lagasi
1971 - 1976 Phil Cotumaccio
1976 - 1984 Joseph J. Melz
1984 - 1990 Salvatore A. Petrolino
1990 - 1995 Joseph S. Collora
1995 - 2002 Joseph D. Tarantino
2002 - 2010 Lutz Lewerenz
2010 - 2014 Pietro Mosconi
2014 - 2018 Arlindo Fernandez
Chefs de Cuisine
Association of America, Inc.
301 E 45th St, Suite 2B
New York, NY 10017
email - office@chefsdecuisine.onmicrosoft.com
Phone - 212.599.2717
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